FIDE Checkmate Coronavirus
Play online on our federation’s chess club on chess.com and win great prizes!! FIDE is offering attractive prizes in a lucky draw every week until 17th June. Playing in any of our online events will qualify. To play in our club please apply to https://www.chess.com/club/hong-kong-chess-federation
在Chess.com上的我们的国际象棋俱乐部在线玩游戏并赢取大奖!直到6月17日为止,FIDE每周都会以抽奖的形式提供诱人的奖品。参加我们的任何在线活动将有资格参加。要在我们的俱乐部玩,请登录 https://www.chess.com/club/hong-kong-chess-federation
This week we will have 3 events and we can have more every week if the participation is sufficient to continue.
Platform: chess.com/live
Tuesday 9th June from 1900
Thursday 11th June from 1900
Saturday 13th June from 1900
Time control: 5m +5s
Tournament links will appear in your chess.com screen when you go to chess.com/live
时间控制:5m + 5s
To try to prevent cheating all players must use an additional camera to login into our Zoom room so that our arbiters can monitor play.
Zoom meeting ID 852 088 8008
Password to login is 888888
缩放会议ID 852 088 8008
登录密码为 888888
Please make sure that your camera shows this angle to your playing screen. Also, it is best to play on a laptop or a desktop computer. Phones and tablets have serious problems. 请确保您的相机与您的播放屏幕成这个角度。另外,最好在便携式计算机或台式计算机上播放。手机和平板电脑存在严重问题。