HKCFL 63rd Annual Dinner
The Hong Kong Chess Federation cordially invites all national players, prize winners of our events in 2021/2022 and recently awarded National Arbiters to attend our 63rd Annual Dinner and Prizegiving ceremony on Saturday, 24th September 2022 at 6pm. Restaurant location will be in Central, Hong Kong.
Shanghai Fraternity Association Limited
3/F, 1 Wyndham Street, Hong Kong
Date: Saturday 24th September 2022
Time: 1 to 5pm FIDE Blitz-Rated
Time: 6 to10pm Annual Dinner
Parents and all other interested parties are welcome to join this dinner for $500 each attendee. Please register your interest for this event here: https://forms.gle/PmasFv2ZidyeM8Lh8
To commemorate this day, a FIDE Rated Team Event will be held (more details to follow).
Regulations for the Team Blitz Tournament
10 teams of 3 players each
Trophies and cash prizes for the winners
Cash prizes for 2nd and 3rd
To avoid overly strong teams there will be rating limitations, based on the FIDE one-off change to the ratings. The 30 players will be ranked using their latest Blitz rating based on the FIDE notice below.
Board | 1 | Top 10 ranked players |
2 | ranked 11 to 20 on the list | |
3 | ranked 21 to 30 on the list |
PLEASE NOTE: The drawing of lots will be done by each of the top 10 players, choosing their team mates based on this random method.

各位, 如果星期六 24 Sep 有空和想參加 HKcf 盛宴63 年的特別賽事, 可在以上的 link 登記, 當日rundown 資料如下
日期: 24 Sep 2022
比賽時間: 1-5 pm
Category : FIDE rated
比賽/晚宴地點: 中環上海總商會
頒獎/宴會時間: 6-10 pm
Format 隊制賽 – 單獨棋手報名會被分派到不同隊伍, 包括高分棋手
獎品/ 獎金 : 得勝隊伍會有獎金/ 獎品 ( 請睇章程)
費用 : $500 (包括比賽+ 晚宴 ) 參賽名額 : 30 人 ( 今屆澳賽 代表都參加)