HKCFL Awards Dinner
Our federation is hosting an Awards Dinner to recognise and honour our exceptional local talents. This celebratory event is scheduled to take place after the conclusion of the final round of the Olympiad Selection Tournament on Sunday, 18th February 2024. Everyone is invited to join!!! The evening will include the presentation of trophies and medals to the well-deserved prize winners. Your presence will make this occasion even more special. 中國香港國際象棋總會將於2024年2月18日星期日奧林匹克選拔賽最後一輪結束後,舉行頒獎晚宴表彰本地傑出人才。歡迎大家參與!!!當晚將頒發獎杯以及獎牌,我們期待您的出席。
Venue: Hong Kong Aviation Club, 31 Sung Wong Toi Rd, Ma Tau Chung, Kowloon 九龍馬頭涌宋皇臺道31號
Cost: HKD 380 per person / 每位港幣380元
Ceremony starts: 7 pm on Sunday, 18th February 2024 / 2024年2月18日星期日晚上7點
Lucky Draw: Valuable gifts with total value of HKD 20,000 for 15 lucky winners
Parking: FREE