HKCFL Championship 2024
This event is FIDE rated for Standard which means only those with FIDE ID can play. Time control: 75 minutes plus 30 seconds increment per move. Participants should present themselves before 6:45pm on Monday 15th January, else will not be paired for round 1.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: There are no selections from this event to represent HKG and this is just a club event for rating purposes. 重要通告:這次比賽並非為了選拔代表香港的棋手,只是一次等級分的比賽。
Date | Day of Week | Round | Duration |
15th January | Monday | 1 | 18:45 to 23:00 |
22nd January | Monday | 2 | 18:45 to 23:00 |
29th January | Monday | 3 | 18:45 to 23:00 |
5th February | Monday | 4 | 18:45 to 23:00 |
19th February | Monday | 5 | 18:45 to 23:00 |
26th February | Monday | 6 | 18:45 to 23:00 |
4th March | Monday | 7 | 18:45 to 23:00 |
Entry Fee:
FREE – members of the Hong Kong Chess Federation Limited. Priority shall be given to members of HKCFL, non-members may be placed on a waiting list as there is a limit of 50 players allowed due to government regulations.
HKD650 – non-members with payment before start of event.
Prizes: Trophy for Champion and medals for 2nd to 5th.
Players listed on Chess-Results
Recording of the game: Our federation will be starting to use electronic tablets to record the games using FIDE approved Clono software. This will soon be mandatory and refusal to use electronic recording may result in a default loss and withdrawal from all federation Standard events. The Chief Arbiter will announce the usage of Clono before the start of a round.
7th Floor Activity Room
Smithfield Sports Centre
Kennedy Town (near MTR)
NOTE: This form will stop accepting entries when 50 entries has been received. Our federation reserves the right to accept or reject any entry.