HKCFL Saturday Online Amendment
Due to popular demand we are changing the format of this recurring event. Thank you for your suggestions in our WhatsApp info group. This change in format will apply from this Saturday and for all further Saturday events. 我們將會將由本星期六開始變更改此活動的模式。
From this Saturday 3rd October 2020 the online event will start at 7:30 pm
(19:30) and we advise all participants to Join before the starting time. Those wishing to play must first be a member of the federation club in chess.com and be approved before the Saturday event. 由2020年10月3日(星期六)開始,比賽將在晚上7:30(1930)開始,建議參賽者在開始前加入棋桌。 參賽者必須為本會會員,並在周六比賽之前報名。
The time control will be changed to the Rapid format of 10m+2s that is the whole game in 10 minutes with 2 seconds increment for each move played. 用時為每方10分鐘,每步加2秒。
The Zoom room details are always the same for every Saturday Zoom房間的詳情如下
Meeting ID 會議ID : 852 088 8008
Passcode 密碼 : 888888
Please ensure that your Zoom camera shows your playing screen. 請確保您的鏡頭顯示你的顯示器屏幕。