Hong Kong SAR Rapid Chess Championship 2023
This is our national championship for Rapid. Online registration for this event is now open. This event is FIDE rated for Rapid and only those with HKG FIDE ID can play. Time control: 15 minutes plus 10 seconds increment per move. Participants should present themselves before 18:45 on Monday 13th November, else will not be paired for round 1. There will be a handsome trophy for the champion generously donated by our Vice President Daniel Lam. 這是我們的香港特區快棋錦標賽。現已開放網上報名。本次比賽計算國際棋聯快棋等級分,只有擁有HKG 國際棋聯號碼(FIDE ID)的棋手才能參加。時限為每方15分鐘,每步棋加10秒。參賽者須在11月13日(星期一)18:45之前到達賽場,否則第一輪比賽將不會被配對。冠軍獎杯由本會副總裁林景蔚先生慷慨捐贈。
Round | Day of week | Date |
1 to 3 | Monday | 13th November |
4 to 6 | Monday | 20th November |
7 to 9 | Monday | 27th November |
Entry Fee 報名費:
FREE – members of the Hong Kong Chess Federation Limited. Priority shall be given to members of HKCFL, non-members may be placed on a waiting list as there is a limit of 44 players allowed due to government regulations. 免費 – 香港國際象棋總會會員。根據政府相關規定,參賽人數限制為44人,會員優先,非會員可能會被列入候補名單。
HKD750 – non-members.
1) Direct Encounter
2) Number of wins (incl forfeits)
3) Buccholz cut 1
4) Rating Performance without two results (EM 2011)
7th Floor Activity Room
Smithfield Sports Centre
Kennedy Town (near MTR)
NOTE: This form will stop accepting entries when 44 entries has been received.