In view of the many infringements on the national anthem and HKSAR flag during prize giving ceremonies by some sports associations, we urge all chess players to be mindful of the following regulations.
The official kit for this is available from the federation, please request when you need them.
Hong Kong China Chess Federation
Guidelines for Athletes Participating in International Competitions
To ensure the proper respect for the National Anthem and Regional Flag in international sports events, the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC) have issued the “Guidelines on Handling the Playing of the National Anthem and Raising of the Regional Flag for Hong Kong Athletes and Teams Engaging in International Sports Event” in 2022. To provide clear guidance to athletes participating in future international competitions and to prevent any violations of the code, the Association would like to issue the following notice as a reminder:
- Even if you register as an individual, you are required to report to the Association.
- You must apply to this association for the official Regional Flag from SF&OC.
- Before participating in international competitions, please read the “Guidelines on Handling the Playing of the National Anthem and Raising of the Regional Flag for Hong Kong Athletes and Teams Engaging in International Sports Event” issued by the SF&OC. The guidelines can be found at this
link: (https://www.hkolympic.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Guidelines-on- Handling-National-Anthem-and-Regional-Flag_eng-w.e.f.-1-June-2023.pdf)
All athletes must adhere to the above guidelines. Any violation may result in the suspension of training and competition qualifications by the Association. We highly value the opportunities for every athlete to participate in competitions. We hope that all athletes will continue to challenge themselves and win glory for Hong Kong while ensuring compliance.
為確保國歌和區旗在國際體育賽事中獲得應有尊重,中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委 員會 (港協暨奧委會) 頒布了「香港運動員及隊伍參與國際體育賽事期間處理播放國歌 和升掛區旗的指引」。為免未來有運動員參加國際賽事未清楚指引而違反守則,本會 特此通告提醒大家以下幾點。
1. 即使是以個人身份報名及自資參與比賽,都需要向本會報備
2. 必須向本會申請港協暨奧委會之官方特區區旗
3. 參與國際比賽前,請仔細閱讀港協暨奧委會的「香港運動員及隊伍參與國際體 育賽事期間處理播放國歌和升掛區旗的指引」(https://www.hkolympic.org/wp- content/uploads/2023/06/Guidelines-on-Handling-National-Anthem-and-Regional-Flag_chi-w.e.f.-1-June-2023.pdf)
請各位運動員必須緊遵以上指引,如有違規本會將有權暫停訓練及參賽資格。我們非 常重視每位運動員參與比賽的機會,希望各位運動員在安全合規的情況下,斷續挑戰 自我為港爭光。