Incident report for the last round of the HKCC & Olympiad Selection
The last game to finish for this final round was the game on board 2, Michael Deng vs Daniel Lam. This entire game was recorded due to its importance for the possibility of a place in the Olympiad team.
The game was full of incidents where both sides were penalised for various infringements. Towards the end of this heated game both players had accumulated 2 offenses and the situation was dire.
The last incident of this game was an improper draw offer made by Michael Deng and the arbiter was called upon to make a decision. Due to the three strikes rule that the arbiters follow, Michael Deng was forfeited and the game finished in Daniel’s favour.
The Appeal Decision is attached together with a portion of the video of this incident.
IA KK Chan
Chairman of the Appeals
Gens Una Sumus