HKSAR Junior Rapid and Inter School Chess Championships 2024
Based on the success of the last edition of the new style Inter-School competition we will try to do better this year and have secured a famous school St. Joseph’s College as the venue. 在上一屆新型的校際比賽成功的基礎上,今年我們將力求做得更出色,已經選定了名校聖若瑟書院作為比賽場地。
This innovative approach aims to kindle greater enthusiasm among children for team-based chess events. 這種創新的方式旨在激發孩子們參與國際象棋團體賽的更大熱情
In this unique competition, a grand champion will be named in each of three categories: Lower Primary, Upper Primary, and Secondary schools. This multi-tiered approach ensures that players compete within their respective age groups, maintaining a level playing field and enhancing the competitive spirit. 這場獨特的比賽設三個組別,分別是:小學低年級、小學高年級和中學,每個組別都將決出一名總冠軍。這種分層比賽的形式確保運動員與同年齡組的對手較量,維持公平的競爭環境並增强了競爭精神
Moreover, the event will not only honour exceptional individual players but also recognize the collective achievements of school teams. By aggregating the total points earned by a school’s top four finishers, the federation will determine and celebrate the most outstanding school team champions. 此外,該項賽事不僅表彰傑出棋手的個人成就,還表彰校隊的集體成就。根據每所學校最佳的四名棋手獲得的總分,將確定並頒發團體冠軍
NOTE: A school can enter any number of students giving them a better chance of winning the team championship. 注意:學校可以指派任意數量的學生參賽以增加團體獲勝機會
List of players registered Please check your name, school and group
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Date: | Wednesday 1st May 2024 |
Time period: | 09:00 to 18:00 |
Venue: | St. Joseph’s College 聖若瑟書院 |
Address: | 7 Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong |
Event format: | Unrated – all welcome |
Time control: | 15m +5s |
Total rounds: | 7 |
Maximum entries | 280 players |